Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20×24 w Condition Issue

Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue

Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20″x24″ w Condition Issue. Please see photos 7-10 as I highlight condition issues. Photos 7/8 looks as if pressure was applied to the painted, I’m unsure if it’s actually torn in those areas or if the paint had just lifted from the canvas. Photos 9/10 are some areas where paint has chipped from the canvas all corners have similar conditions.
Pagliacci Pantomime Sad Clowns By Ferrand Oil Painting 20x24 w Condition Issue

Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color

Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color

Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color
To see my son’s old books. It does have its title page. Theatrical and Circus Life; or. Secrets of the Stage, Green-room, and Sawdust Arena. Chicago, Globe publishing. Gilt pictorial hardcover. 8″ by 5.5″ w/ 608 pages. A FEW IN COLOR. EMBRACING HISTORY OF THE THEATRE FROM SHAKESPEARE’S TIME TO THE PRESENT. DAY, AND ABOUNDING IN ANECDOTES CONCERNING THE MOST PROMI- NENT ACTORS AND ACTRESSES BEFORE THE PUBLIC; ALSO, A COMPLETE EXPOSITION OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE STAGE, SHOWING THE MANNER IN WHICH WONDERFUL SCENIC AND OTHER EFFECTS ARE PRODUCED; THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF NEGRO MINSTRELSY ; THE MOST ASTON- ISHING TRICKS OF MODERN MAGICIANS, AND A HISTORY OF THE HIPPODROME, ETC. Full contents at the very end of the listing – it’s a long one! In general – circus, theatre, magic, ballet, stage charms & omens, illusion of the stage, plays, actress, Chinese & Japanese theatricals, Operas & singers, pantomime, back art, Indian box, on the road, John Wilkes Booth & Lincoln’s assassin, fun among elks, acrobats, equestrians, giants, tattooed twins, and much more. Basically, if it was entertaining.. it’s in here! Please zoom in on. Photos carefully as they are part of the description. All of my books are VERY OLD and have 100+ years of wear to varying degrees. Boards – very secure, back cover has some light wear [normal for its age]. Pages very secure. Back one very good- front one was split apx 4 and glued back down to prevent further splitting. Spine ends – a worn. Good – front bottom one worn through. Inner hinges – this book has had some repairs – looks like a while ago someone added new endpapers & paste-downs, making both cover secure, but ait springs open to the contents page. Pages – generally pretty clean, but 2 pages with black marks [shown]. Writing/coloring – someone has colored: 8 lips, 1 just the hair, and 11 others that have more than 1 thing on them colored. 20 of the 180 pictures have been colored – either a little or a lot. Plus dark pencil to the face of one of the colored pictures -shown #10 hope I counted them all! Rips /folds – 2 small rips, I didn’t see any bad folds – plus one small bit of corner missing not affecting any text [shown with orange paper]. Missing the colored frontis – a solid & very rare book with a few mishaps! A FANTASTIC ONE FOR YOUR LIBRARY! Please Add me to your Favorites list. AND check back now and then to see what’s new! Otherwise I can’t send you a new invoice. Don’t panic, I will get to ASAP. T can take up to 14 days to get back East. All others please contact me. This book is very old and. May have accumulated bad smells along the way [musty basement/ mildew/ smoke]. I have found that. Dryer sheets in them for a few months makes a world of difference! My nose doesn’t work like it use to. So the old book smell doesn’t bother me. As far as I can tell -this book has a very, very faint old book smell. The following is from the internet and has several errors, but you get the idea. A THEATRE OF SHAKESPEARE’S DAY. Rude Carts as Primitive Stages Followed by Stone Thea- tres with Pits for Stages Theatres of the Elizabetlian Period Sunday Theatres in the ” Golden Age ” Description of the Globe in Shakespeare’s Time Plays in the Times of Henry VIII. Sign-boards as Scenes Anecdote of Charles II. The “Wits, ” “Clever” Men and the Vulgar Crowd Pipes, Tank- ards, and Gossip CHAPTER III. Davy Garrick at Drury Lane, London English Actors sail for America Voyage in the Charming Sally in 1752 The First American Theatre The First Program The First New York Theatre, 1753 First Per- formance in Philadelphia, April, 1754 The First Show in Boston, August, 1792 The Priest and the Spanish Lady Elegant Theatres of the Present Period CHAPTER IV. Front Door and Back Door Entrances ” Mashers ” at the “Stage-Door” The Cerberus “who Stands Guard Perquisites Paid to Him Bulkhead and the Ballet Girls The Tricks of the Scene Painter on the Girls The Girls’ Revenge Bold and Heartless Lovers Notes Pushed under the Drcssing-Room Door Alice Oates’s Mash Watching the Manu3uvres of the “Mashers Tale of the Pink Synimetricals – – 43-54 CHAPTER V. People who Patronize the Theatre The Young Blood Members of the ” Profesh ” The Giddy and Gushing Usher The Bouncer The Peanut Cruncher The People who go out “Between Acts” The Big Hat Nuisance Anecdote of George and Harry CHAPTER VI. An Amateur Theatre The Author’s Experience as ” Imp” in a Spectacular Scene \ Trip to the Moon CHAPTER VII. In the DRESSING-ROOM Goodwin’s ” Make-up ” for Hobbies Booth and Company Playing “Hamlet” in Street Costume Dressing- Roonis of Uld-Time and Present Theatres Louis Harrison Spoils a Play at San Francisco How Actors “Makeup” for Various Parts Hair-Dresser and the Actress CHAPTER Vill. STAGE CHARMS AND OMENS. Burning of the Southern Hotel and Kate Claxton’s Pres- ence Superstitions of John McCuUough, raymond, Joe Jefferson, Southern, Florence, Booth, Chanfrau, Byron, Thorne, Neilson, Lotta, etc. Coui’tainc andlnce CHAPTER X. NOT DOWN IN THE BILL. Actors who Memorize whole Newspapers Lovely Peggy Kean Dying as ho Played Sol. Smith’s Fuany Adven- ture A Masher made Serviceable Charlotte Cush- man and the Colored Bell-Boy who brought Down the House The Call-Boy’s Revenge The Lecturer, Trick Candle and Trap Door An English Performance of William Tell CHAPTER XI. THE ILLUSIONS OP THE STAGE. Leger in Dublin Rousseau’s Description of Paris Opera Modern Mechanism Producing Steam, Fire, Thunder, Lightning, etc. Olive Logan and her Jewels Snow Storm in “The Two Orphans” Rain in “Hearts of Oalv ” Rivu- lets in ” Danites ” Funny Inventory of “Property ” in a London Theatre CHAPTER XII. MORE OF THE MYSTERIES. THE ARMY OF ATTACHES. Broken Down or “Crushed” Actors as Door-Kcepera The Treasurer of the Theatre The Uslier Orchestra and Leader Stage Manager The Scenic Artist Tlie Stage Carpenter, Supes and Minor Attaches, and Last but not Least the Call-Boy 195-205 CHAPTER XIV. The Young Man from Cahokia The Box of Gags Stage Struck Girls of Louisville The College Graduate from Illinois “The Warrior Bowed His Crested Head” The N. Curtain Marie Dixon’s Fail- ure Mrs. Lewis, of Charleston, Duped by Schwab & Rummel Harry Russell Tseudo “Mana- ger” A Colored Troop’s Curious Epistle CHAPTER XV. Old-Time and Present Rehearsals Olive Logan’s Descrip- tion of a Rehearsal Rehearsal of the Corps de Bal- let Appearance of Tagliom, Cerito, Carlotta Grisi, Lucile Grahn at Her Majesty’s Theatre, in London CHAPTER XVI. CANDIDATES FOR SHORT CLOTHES. Advertising for Ballet Girls Salaries Paid them Who Apply Where the Can-Can Flourishes The Ups and Downs of a Ballet Girl’s Life The Nautch Dancers CIIAPTER XVII. Cardella The French School Theatre La Scala Amount of Practice Reciuired American Ballet Salaries of Premieres, Coryphees, etc. The Time Required A Little Fond and Foolish at Times CHAPTER XVIII. The Trials and Tribulations of the Gawky Young Drama- tist English, French and American Playwrights The Desire for Foreign Plays Bartley Campbell’s Christmas Story CHAPTER XIX. Gunakophagists or Woman-Eaters Corner Loafers Mashers of the Profession Female Mashers The Blonde Beauties of the Leg Drama Model Letter Lillian Russell’s Escapades ” Patti ” and the Midget “Foster” The Old Masher Squeezed The Girl in Red Tights at Uhrig’s Cave Music and Mashing CHAPTER XX. THE MAIDEN AND THE TENOR. FISHING FOR FREE PUFFS. A First-Class Puff in a Leadville Paper All Anxious to Appear in Print Various Ways of Puffing Sending Photos Diamond Robberies Falling Heir to a For- tune, etc. Minnie Palmer’s Artless Display of Un- derwear The Abbott Kiss Catherine Lewis Fling Emelie Melville’s Presents to Critics The Morning Buzzard and the Evening Crow – – – – – 303-314 CHAPTER XXII. THE ACTRESS AND THE INTERVIEWER. All Performers must Meet the Interviewing Fiend How the Interviewer is Received by Patti, Nilsson, Gerster, Kellogg, Cary, Ilauk, Abbott, Bernhardt, Morris, Mod- jeska, Neilson, Andei’son, Davenport, Mitchell, Lotta, and Others 9 CHAPTER XXIII. A FEW FOOT-LIGHT FAVORITES. Mistress Woffington Children as Actors and Actresses Little Corinne Debut of Emma Livry Nell Gwynuc the Fish Girl Lola Montez, the Pretty Irish Girl Adali Isaiics Menken as Mazeppa Mar’ Anderson the Tragedienne Lotta and Maggie Mitchell, and a Host of Others CHAPTER XXIV. CHINESE AND JAPANESE THEATRICALS. Great Length of the Play Description of a Chinese Thea- tre The Prompter The Audience The Actors The Musicians Japanese Theatres No “Reserved Seats” Prices of Admission Side Shows CHAPTER XXV. OPERA AND OPERA SINGERS. Palmo, the Father of Italian Opera in America Interview with Col. Mapleson The Cost of Rigging a Com- pany What it Costs Every Time the Curtain is Rung Up Mme. Grisi’s Superstition The Best Operas Salaries of Singers Neilson and the Diamond Mer- chant CHAPTER XXVI. Emmet, Brower, Whltlock and Pelham among the Earliest Pot-Pie Herbert Daddy Rice and Jim Crow Zip Coon Coal Black Rose My Long Tail Blue Early Days of George Cliristy Minstrel Men Generally Im- provident Minstrel Men as Mashers Ilaverly’s Mas- todon Minstrels The Boys at Rehearsal CHAPTER XXVII. Fox, the King G. Adams, his Successor Boxing Night in London CHAPTER XXVIII. VARIETY DIVES AND CONCERT SALOONS. First-Class Varieties Harry Hill’s Famous Resort In- terview with Harry Hill Ida and Johnnie Deacons in a Dive The Bouncer at Work The Cow-Boy’s Call for Mary The Can-Can Music by Bands Over the Rhine CHAPTER XXIX. A TEAM OF IRISH COMEDIANS. Ginnis the Alderman The Song and Dance Men Ilarrigan & Hart Levi Mc- CHApTER XXX. THE INDIAN BOX AND BASKET TRICK. The Trick-Box The Board The Basket The Magi- cian’s ” Ghost Story ” CHAPTER XXXII. Kennedy and Val Vose Louis Brabant Valet de Chambre to Francis I. Wins Wife and Fortune through his Wonderful Gift M. Gille and his Wonderful Exploits Alexandre and the Load of Hay The De- lusion Fully Explained How to do it The Suffo- cated Victim CHAPTER XXXIII. Making Dates at the ” the Square ” Copy of Contracts Billing the Town The Cyclonic Advance Agent CHAPTER XXXIV. THE GREEN-EYED AND OTHER MONSTERS. The Street Arabs and Lotta The Stage at the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century Little “Accidents” of Bernhardt and Indiscretions of Patti ” Sudden John- nie ” and Colombier Lizzie McCall’s Crime Miss Bertha Welby and Miss Cleves The ” Old Gray ” and the Skipping Rope Dancer Husband and Wife and Ballet Girl Mephistopheles and Venus CHAPTER XXXV. JOHN WILKES BOOTH, PRESIDENT LINCOLN’S ASSASSIN. Shooting of Abraham Lincoln Booth’s Rehearsal at Wal- lack’s All Old Actor’s Opinion of J. Booth His Richard the IH. A Fine Piece of Acting Booth and Collier as Richard and Richmond CHAPTER XXXVI. How the Stars and Lesser Lights Disport Themselves Actors at the Seaside The’ Old Gray Surprises the Actors at the Banquet Millions Spent upon Theatri- cals CHAPTER XXXVn. FUN AMONG THE ELKS. Who the “-Elks” are Jughandle’s Friend Wants to be an Elk Getting the Candidate Ready The High iMuck- a-Muck The Peculiar Circle The Descent The Path of Progress The Upward Flight to Glory Down! -«- On ” Eincycle ” The Merciful Net -An Elk CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE CIRCUS IS HERE. Training Children Olive Logan on the Circus Trapeze Performers Tight rope Feats Training Riders The Leading Equestrienne The Great English Rider, Miss Lily Deacon The Georgia Lady’s Experience Cow-Boys Raid on the Ring. A ROMANCE OF THE RING. Shadowville Miss Nannie Florenstein, the most Wonder- ful Bareback Rider in the World Her Cruel Task- master Nod Struthers to the Rescue’All’s Well that Ends Well CHAPTER XLII. The Athlete of Ancient Rome Grand and Lofty Tum- bling of To-day Double and Triple Somersaults CHAPTER XLIIL, AN ADVENTURE WITH GIANTS. Bates and Wife The Tallest Couple In the World The Eat Woman and the Living Skeleton The Circassian Girl CHAPTER XLIV. In the Morning Paper Capt. Costentenus The Modus Operandi- ^Henneberry and the “Old Salt ” Singular Story Told by Henry Frumell Tat- tooed by South Pacific Savages CHAPTER XLV. Zazel Shot out of a Cannon The Zulus Gen. Tom Thumb and Wife Thumb and Campanini Hugged and Kissed by an Ape Millie Christine the Famous Two-Headed Lady The Eighth Wonder of the World Jocko Spoils a Comedy Circus in Winter Quarters. The item “RARE ANTIQUE BOOK CIRCUS & THEATER LIFE PANTOMIME BLACK ART MAGIC OPERA COLOR” is in sale since Tuesday, February 25, 2020. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Historical Memorabilia\Fairs, Parks & Architecture\Circus & Carnival\Other Circus & Carnival”. The seller is “craminn” and is located in Sherwood, Oregon. This item can be shipped to United States.
Rare Antique Book Circus & Theater Life Pantomime Black Art Magic Opera Color