She dates to the 1920’s to the late 1940s. She stands 7 tall, and has her little celluloid cane and foil over cardboard hat. She has a little silky hula type skirt, and is wearing just feathers!
A lovely – original matched Pair that undoubtedly started life together – hand carved with subtle differences in carving. //// as photographed however the images don’t do them justice. Much better when seen in person.
I have seen similar ones with elephant or dog head ceramic handles, but this is one of the nicest dice heads I have seen. In excellent condition overall. It will be a great decorator, or a great addition to an antique cane or walking stick collection.
Antique Primitive Circus/ Carnival Steps. Folding Steps in original paint Used at a Carnival or Circus. They are 24″x 24″x 26 deep when open. But also fold for carrying. A charming piece by itself or for display.