MINT & RARE CIRCUS CDV – SUPERB PHOTO OF “LITTLE VENUS” THE CHILD WIRE WALKER 1874 – Here is a rare performer you will rarely if ever see; “Little Venus” was a very accomplished tight wire walker at the age of 7 years old. In this spectacular portrait, you can see the tight wire rope coiled next to this pint size performer dressed as the Greek God. Period notations and the date can be seen on the back of the mount. The CDV is in mint antique condition. CONDITION: Please view my detailed photos for the actual condition of the image and as part of my description. The early CDV of one of the finest examples of a tight wire walker I have ever encountered. The print as well as the mount are in pristine condition. The photo remains bold and has the photographer’s back stamp. Period notations and the date can be seen on the backside of the mount. If you are a collector of early circus photography you cannot go wrong adding this fine example to your collection.