RED FINN AND HIS DRAFT STOCK BOYS. Ringling Brothers And Barnum Bailey Combined Circus. DETAILS: Hard to find photograph of an early circus photo. Looks to be a 1940’s photograph of a panoramic photo card taken in the 1880’s. Bottom portion reads: ” Red Finn and His Drat Stock Dept Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Combined Circus, Porland, Maine “. Measures 10″ x 7″ inches. We carry an extensive selection of original circus photographs and ephemera from the 1880’s-1960’s. Be certain to visit the Magic & Circus Category. Oxxbridge Galleries was founded in 1987. We are amongst the largest sellers of vintage photographs & ephemera in the USA and are always adding to our inventory. You will be pleased by the friendliness and knowledge of our staff. The free listing tool.